Once the majority of Earth's population and the minions of The Dark Ones, the Deadites are a race of zombie-like beings that feast on the souls of their victims and take possession of said-victim's body. Along with The Dark Ones, the Deadites were banished to the Mirror Dimension by the First Chosen One, and mankind took back the Earth[1]. Since their imprisonment centuries ago, Deadites are sometimes unleashed when a certain passage from the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis is read aloud.
Powers and Abilities
None known.
Flight - Deadites that don't have wings can hover a few feet off the ground for a very short time.
Average Strength level
None known.
Habitat: Habitat of this race is unknown.
Gravity: Gravity of this race is unknown.
Atmosphere: Atmosphere of this race is unknown.
Population: Population of this race is unknown.
Type of Government: Government type unknown.
Level of Technology: Technology level unknown.
Cultural Traits: Cultural traits unknown.
Representatives: No Known representatives.
See Also
- Discuss Deadites on the forums
- Appearances of Deadites
- Race Gallery: Deadites
- List of Deadites
Links and References
- None.