Dynamite Entertainment Wiki
Dynamite Entertainment Wiki


Earth-818793 is the universe in which most of the comics published by Dynamite Entertainment are set in. It serves as the home to a number of licensed characters including Red Sonja, Vampirella, Ash Williams, Lara Croft, The Green Hornet and Kato, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Zorro, and The Shadow. Some crossovers (including Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness) do not exist within this universe.

This reality was named by Marvel Comics when Ash Williams met the Marvel Zombies in the Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness limited series. Although Ash's home universe wasn't mentioned by number in the crossover itself, it was given it's official number in the Marvel Zombies: The Book of Angels, Demons & Various Monstrosities handbook. The Earth's number itself follows Marvel's tradition of numbering it's universes after significant "real world" dates, 818793 represents the years that the films that make up the original Evil Dead trilogy were released: 81 (The Evil Dead), 87 (Evil Dead 2), and 93 (Army of Darkness). Earth-818793's history has been subsequently altered on multiple occasions thanks to the actions (or sometimes lack thereof) of Ash Williams. The first instance of Ash re-writing history (and the one that caused the most significant changes) occurred in the second volume of Army of Darkness, where he had completely undone everything that had happened in his life after he returned from 1300 AD. This causes several continuity errors across multiple Dynamite titles, with most being unresolved.

The main universe of fellow comic book published Top Cow seems to be synonymous, or very similar to Earth-818793, as some of the events of Army of Darkness follow on from Monster War.


  • Earth-818793 could be considered Dynamite's equivalent of Marvel's Earth-616 or DC's Prime Earth/New Earth.
