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Green Lama

Jethro Dumont (Earth-818793)
Real Name
Jethro Dumont
Current Alias
Green Lama
Jet; White Lama
Tsarong; Team Superpowers; formerly Masks

First appearance
Appearance of Death

Project Superpowers Vol 3 #2
(Later becomes the White Lama)


Early Life

Jethro Dumont in the past had two alter egos, the crime fighting superhero Green Lama and the Buddhist priest Dr. Pali. Jethro Dumont being a very rich resident of New York City decided to go to Tibet for ten years to study to become a Lama (Buddhist guru). It was in Tibet where he learned many mystical and magical secrets, which he used in conjunction with his scientific knowledge of how to use radioactive salts in his favor. He used these powers, along with his strong Buddhist beliefs, to fight crime.

Fighting Corruption and WWII

In 1938, while Jethro was still in his early crime fighting years, The Justice Party became elected as the new power of New York State, it soon conspires that the newly-elected officials were controlled by powerful criminals, who quickly corrupt the law to their own advantage. A fascist police state was instituted and ordinary citizens were brutalised, oppressed and crushed into submission. The only ones who standed up to protect the innocent are masked vigilantes, in this moment The Green Lama joins forces with various costume vigilantes to defeat this fascist state and their leader.

Green and Miss

Jeth meets Miss Fury

He later leaves the street-level crime fighting style and goes to help the Superpowers Team during World war II. After the war, the Fighting Yank is commissioned by the government and his ancestor to capture all of his heroic allies in the Urn of Pandora. The Green Lama however, was unaware of this and was not trapped in the Urn as he retired to Tibet. During his long sabbatical, the Green Lama heightened his powers by becoming more in-tuned with the meta-natural world, allowing him to manipulate plant life to the point where he can use it to transport himself around the globe.

After 60 years of sabbatical, the Fighting Yank shows up with the American Spirit and pleads with the Green Lama to help him free the heroes he had wrongly captured from the Urn. After listening to the American Spirit, the Green Lama agrees and teleports him and the Fighting Yank to New York to take the Urn from the Dynamic Family, who has it on display.

The Golden Age returns

After shattering the Urn and freeing the Heroes the Fighting Yank engages the Dynamic Family only to be joined by one of the freed heroes, the Black Terror. A brief battle ensues and is broken up by the Green Lama who takes over New York with his Nature Powers and transports them both to his land, Shangri-La. The sanctuary is short lived however when the Dynamic Family follows the group back to Shangri-la by way of a tracer that has been placed in the Black Terrors neck. Shangri-la is shortly destroyed and the Green Lama's close friend and assistant Tsarong is killed. The Superpowers are forced to flee to New York, which had been covered in vegetation by Green Lama in its last encounter, is dubbed the New Shangri-la. In the Green lamas latest endeavor he encounters the descendant of his long time assistant, Tsarong, who calls herself Bloodlust. The Green Lama and Bloodlust then have a long drawn out battle in which at many points Bloodlust badly wounds the Green Lama, enough so that he has to teleport her away in order to win. After being teleported she ends up on a beach where she swear revenge on the man who she thinks let her ancestor die.

Invasion of Earth

Year later, Jeth finds during his meditation that something was wrong with ripples of the future, only to have the Devil crash through his window and gives him a vision of the past and a possible future that they have to avoid. After stoping a plane crash along with his allies he finds once again that his friend Bart Hill is being possesed by some unknown entity, he then gets stabbed by his former friend and later gets transported to a ship were P:andora reveals himself and kills him, he later puts his body in a spear outside his ship so that anyone can see it. After this, Jethro seems to have come back but as a new entity entirely, calling himself the White Lama and telling his friends that they can rewrite history.

Powers and Abilities



Plant Control: Green Lama can control the growth of plants and use them to attack or trap his enemies.

Teleportation: Green Lama can transport himself and others through plant-based life.


Longevity: While he is approximately a century old Green Lama still has the aspect and vitality of a man in his prime.


Enhanced Speed

Enhanced Agility

Unarmed Combat (Advanced)



If he is cut off from plants for too long his body will start to weaken and age.

